Five pedantic philosophers meet under a clear, starry night sky. From a lofty position, impressing each other with their beards, they attempt to solve the secret of emotional delusion. The discussion turns violent, the brain becomes heated. The temptation of delusion tears them apart. Five disconnected individuals, adrift, with only one goal: paradise. Fear is everywhere. Because madness lurks at the moment of emotional delusion, where man gets in touch with his origins. Nobody can be trusted, everything is suspicious. They are alone.
Epiloog van de eenzaamheid
© Patrick Meis
A philosophical thriller with many casualties.
Written and directed by de KOE
With Diane Belmans, Els Olaerts, Bas Teeken, Dirk Tuypens, Peter Van den Eede
Concept Peter Van den Eede, Laurent Hubrecht
Rehearsal director Ward Rooze
Scenography Bas Teeken
Light design Bert Vermeulen
Costumes Diane Belmans
Production de KOE / Het Zuidelijk Toneel
Co-production Monty