Late at night after a stroll
© Koen Broos

‘Every friendship is a discrete drama, a series of subtle wounds.’ – E.M. Cioran

Two best friends after taking a walk: Eric Deruyck and Lieven Tack. Eric is the ‘coming man’ in the world of abstract visual art, Lieven is an art critic and an authority in the field.

The friends are talking. Cultivated, sensitive, self-conscious.

They are talking, and watching each other sharply with each word they say.

There is no one they can talk with the way they talk with each other.

In such a straightforward, intimate way. About the most personal, deep issues.

They talk. About, against, and mostly aside each other.

With words that seem to hide more than they show.

But as long as they’re talking, they feel connected.

Laat op de avond na een korte wandeling is a heartbreakingly hilarious portrait of the terror of a friendship and the impossibility of true communication.’

By Stefaan Van Brabandt, Michael Vergauwen and Peter Van den Eede
With Sofie Palmers, Stefaan Van Brabandt, Michael Vergauwen and Marie Vinck
Costumes of the actresses Toon Geboers
Sound and lighting Bram De Vreese and Steven Brys
With the support of the Flemish authorities