De Gebiologeerden tells the story of E. Van de Broek and L. Van der Plas. These two friends, who are unable to let their emotions and passions run free, interact through an unviable and forced pattern of politeness. This way, they suppress not only their feelings, but also a dormant yet ardent love for each other, born from a mutually expressed, yet never discussed, need for affection. Partially out of fear for this open confrontation, this true dialogue, Erwin and Ludo have delved into ornithology. It has become an extreme obsession, through which they can communicate without immediate danger of perishing one day by fault of their innermost feelings.
The Biologized (De Gebiologeerden)

© Koen Broos
a farce about loneliness and love and everything in between

By and with Peter Van den Eede and Bas Teeken
Sound and lighting Bram De Vreese
Production de KOE
With the support of the Flemish authorities