The Rebuilding of the West I: White
© Spencer Wilmot

If I don’t do it now
it’s never going to happen.

White is the first part of de KOE’s great history of the West. In White we start by looking for a new naivety, by trying to go back to the – for us, in any case – ideology-free white West of our youth. We want to see if and how long we can keep it up: the narration without hidden agenda, without political argument or the secret jargon of the art world. If we can actually still do it: blank.

A: Are you really going to play that music?

B: Yes, I’d like it to start like this.

First it’s quiet for a while…

then very softly the music starts.

A: I’m not sure.

People will think it’s irony.

B: To me it has nothing to do with irony…

to me it’s something real…

something deep…

something that goes far back.

A: They can’t know that.

B: I’ll explain it later.

A: What are you going to say?

B: I’ll say it happened when I was six years old…

and my dad had just come home from his job...

he was resting on the sofa...

and he let me lie next to him him…

and I pressed my nose into his armpit ...

On the radio this music sounds

In that moment I am safe…

and hopeful at the same time.

A: I don’t know.

B: Isn't this the kind of thing we were going to try?

If I don’t do it now

it’s never going to happen.

We’ll save the objections for part two and three of the trilogy.

A: I’m not sure if it’s going to work.

B: I promise I’ll keep a straight face.

By Stefaan Van Brabandt, Natali Broods, Willem de Wolf and Peter Van den Eede
With Natali Broods, Willem de Wolf and Peter Van den Eede
Lighting design Matthias de Koning
Lighting and sound Bram De Vreese and Pol Geusens
With the support of the Flemish authorities