You are welcome.
this piece is not an introduction
you will not see any acting
there will be no acting here
we show you nothing
we do not play any occurrences
we do not play dreams
this is not coverage
this is not a documentary
this is not a fragment of reality
we divulge nothing
we are not actors
we do not act anything
we do not portray anything
we do not have aliases
we do not step out of our roles
we have no roles
we are us
we do not play any different than we are
we do not play a different state
than the one in which we find ourselves here and now
we do not play ourselves under different circumstances
we do not play a different time
we do not play reality
we play as time goes by
we talk about the fact that time goes by
we talk about time going by
we do not pretend
however, we do pretend
we pretend to repeat words
we seem to repeat ourselves
here is a world without appearances
here appearances are appearances
appearances are appearances here